Friday, May 1st

An Open Letter the the Swine Flu

Dear Swine Flu,

You think you’re so tough don’t you.  You’ve got everyone in a panic- not taking the subway, wearing those nurse masks, staying home from school…it must be quite a thrill for you.  But I’m not falling for it.

Two months ago I got the regular flu.  It wasn’t the kind of thing where you have a cold but tell your boss its the flu so they’ll have more sympathy; this was the Influenza.  I sweated and groaned on my couch for three days.  I cursed the heavens and asked forgiveness.  With my last ounce strength I cracked open my window and called for my mama.  She never came, but when my fever broke I knew I was going to make it out alive.

When I peeled my pajamas off my scummy body I felt like I was the champion of the world.  Influenza and I had a vicious cage match and I won.  He had to crawl out of my apartment bloodied and bruised and searching for a weaker victim.  I laughed like a villain as the flu crawled out my front door and into the hallway, hiding under the door of the nice Indian guy who lives across the hall.

I bet you didn’t count of that, did you Swine Flu?  You didn’t count on people like me, who kicked your cousin’s ass and sent him packing.  I travelled to hell and back with nary a sunburn.  I’m not afraid of you just because you’ve got a fancy name and travelled here from Mexico.  I’ve caught scarier things in Mexico than a damn flu.

So don’t count on me washing my hands or covering my mouth when I cough.  Don’t expect me to rush to the doctor if my nose runs; I’ll wipe it on my sleeve and keep right on going.  I might stay home from work a few days, but that’s unrelated to you (even if I invoke your name to do so).  I hope you enjoy your reign of terror while it lasts, because humans are going to have the last laugh.


Poor Lucky Me

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