Reformed Insomniac Questions New Found Sleep – Wednesday November 25th

unknownDear Poor Lucky Me,


I’ve always had trouble sleeping- ever since I can remember I’d be up at 3am for at least two hours. It’s maddening. I’ll be very very tired but unable to fall asleep. I’ve tried a lot of natural methods and even delved into the scary world of prescription sleep aids. Nothing helped.


Then this fall I got the blues. It’s not because of anything really, I’m just sad a lot. I think it’s chemical.


Well the exciting news is that now I can finally sleep all the way through the night! Physically I feel better than I have in my whole life. I’ve even lost a few pounds! It really feels like a miracle.


My question: Do you think depression is a fair trade off for a full night of sleep?


Finally Refreshed


Dear Finally Refreshed,


If your blues are cyclical and you know you’ll come out of it eventually, I definitely think it’s a fair trade. Sadness gets such a bad rap. It’s like after 1950 everyone in America decided that if they weren’t insanely happy all the time there was something wrong with them. Sadness and angst are so visceral- they make you see your world differently. Remember how keenly alive you felt in junior high when a love went unrequited? Or the terror you felt before asking some one on a date? Those self-centered adolescent years when I was in a constant state of angst contained some of the most exhilarating times of my life. Happiness is fun, but it’s not the only game in town.


Sleep, on the other hand, is one of my favorite hobbies. When I’m in a position of global power, I’m going to lobby to change the hours of expected sleep from 8 hours to 12 hours. Sometimes on the weekends I challenge my dog to a sleep off. We both get on the bed and see who can sleep longer. The loser has to make the winner sandwiches. It’s not completely fair though because she makes the worst sandwiches. I mean don’t tell her I said so but American cheese? Ugh. And I don’t like meat combos- Turkey and roast beef in the same sandwich? Yuck. Sometimes I throw the contest so I can make the classic grilled chicken and cheese on a baguette.


Poor Lucky Me

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  1. Laurel says:

    I don’t know, depression can make you awfully unproductive and make your waking hours much less enjoyable, even if you’re not tired.

  2. Mar says:

    I haven’t had sleeping problems…beside jetlag but that’s another story…
    Dropping by from ICLW! sweet dreams!

  3. Poor Lucky Me says:

    Maybe sometimes its ok to redefine your idea of productivity in the name of the human experiment.

  4. I have a hard time sleeping. Depression and sleep deprivation share the same bed. Over sleeping, I wish I could. Wonderful writing, and such a cute dog. Hello from IComLeavWe
    Gerardine Baugh

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