LIST- Monday April 26th

1582_310 Phrases or Words That Should be Purged From the English Language:


1. Wheeeeeew ( As in Wheeeeew we won a reality TV-inspired Game show!)


2. Literally (There is literally no reason to use this word)


3. I love that shirt/coat/bag/etc. Where did you get it? (Why do you need to know? Are you going to buy the same thing? Because it sounds like you just want to be judgmental about where I shop. Besides, the answer is probably Marshall’s)


4. The Black Eyed Peas are awesome!


5. I’ll Be Back or Hasta La Vista Baby (As uttered by Arnold Schwarzenegger or anyone doing a Schwarzenegger impression)


6. Awesomeness (I thought it was awesome too- until all kinds of turdy people started using it. Now it’s unawesome)


7. The Taco Bell diet.


8. Going Green (especially if you are a gas station, Barney’s of New York, or any fast food restaurant)


9. I could really go for a massage


10. Skim, Non-fat, extra-hot, no foam, dry, etc etc etc.

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  1. Big Sully says:

    We are almost like the same person, as I agree with every one of these banned phrases!

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