The First Baby Ever – Thursday February 3rd

Oh my god, prepare yourself to read about the most incredible things that have ever happened to anyone ever:

Hazel rolled over today.  Then Hazel took a bath without crying.  Then the Amazing Hazel spend 10 minutes looking at her Daddy, laughing and smiling.

I’m pretty sure I am the first mother in the history of the human race to ever witness such a brilliant child grow and learn so much in one day.

That’s how it feels anyway.  I have a vague intellectualized notion that this feeling is part of new motherhood.  But this baby is a genetic product of Tom G and he is one of the most incredible human beings on the planet, so it would be logical that she is more incredible than other babies.  I don’t know.  Maybe this is just how everyone feels about a 10 pound person who manages to actually change the axis upon which the earth revolves.

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  1. Joe Y says:

    She is pretty incredible!

  2. Amy H says:

    Oh, my good gracious. She is a beautiful child.

  3. Cathleen says:

    That is awesome! My little almost rolled over today and I was so excited. Can’t wait until it actually happens. They are growing up fast!

  4. Cathleen says:

    That is awesome! My little one almost rolled over today and I was so excited. Can’t wait until it actually happens. They are growing up fast!

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