Tuesday, February 17th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,
Is it wrong to take a figure drawing class just so I can see the naked models? I haven’t seen anyone naked in a while, and I think this could help while I figure out a long term plan.

I Do Really Like Drawing, And Nudity

Dear I.D.R.L.D.A.N.,
I think you have found a wonderfully creative solution to your problem! Some people would just stumble into strip clubs or buy nudey mags, but you are going to better yourself while satisfying your urge to see unclothed people.

A figure drawing class would be great for several reasons: 1) It will stimulate your creative side, and keep your brain active. 2) It may offer you an opportunity to meet new people. One of these people (a classmate, not the models) may end up getting naked for you, possibly in a romantic setting. You already know that you share some things in common with your classmates- an interest in drawing and naked curiosity. Plus, you’re less likely to be stuck with a bunch of prudes or uptight types. 3) You are guaranteed to see a naked person or persons. Now, I must warn you; these people might not be “traditionally” good looking. Sometimes art teachers torture the uninitiated by hiring fatties, oldies, or freaky people to model for their classes. Personally, I don’t care. I think that humans are cool looking in all forms. The pretty, fit ones are nice, but I like variations too.

Once I took an adult swimming class. I had just moved to a new neighborhood and wanted to see a different side of the people that lived there. I already was a decent swimmer, and was in awe of the pool packed with flailing, panicked adults. One guy even had floaties on, which had no hope of lending any buoyancy to his six foot frame. His feet touched the bottom of the pool, but he said that the floaties just made him feel safer. I felt safer by having a few gulps of vodka on the bus on the way to the class. I guess everyone has their own thing, huh?

The class was a big hit- I made a few friends, became a better swimmer, and overcame my paralyzing fear of the flesh-eating virus colonizing in public pools. You should definitely sign up for your art class, but I think we’d all like to know: what are some aspects of your long term plan?

Poor Lucky Me

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