Tuesday, March 17th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,

If some one steals your joke and makes it funnier, you have to concede.  It’s like that joke has found a better home and you have to let it go and be free.  But what about when some one steals your joke and makes it suck?  Do you say something?  Is there a finite number of jokes I might come up with, and therefore must guard each one?

What do you do?


Clownish in Appearance and Behavior

Dear Clownish,

Bad news I’m afraid.  Once you release a joke into the atmosphere, it no longer belongs to you.  Trying to keep tabs on it, or claim it, just makes you seem crazy.  When people steal and mangle your jokes you should commit to making funnier, louder, dirtier jokes than most normal people are willing to steal.  That’s what I do.

Click on the song below.  I can’t imagine a better articulated summery of what really matters in life:

Rush- Entre Nous


Poor Lucky Me

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