Thursday, April 23rd

Dear Poor Lucky Me,
I am an avid reader. I read everything I can get my hands on. Recently I read Winnie The Poo. Why would you name a pet or anything else “Poo?” Doesn’t Poo only have one meaning, and that meaning is certainly not cute. No, “Poo” is to be avoided at all costs as the tomato and pepper business recently found out.

Why hasn’t the person who wrote this “Poo” book been censored; why is this book still available to young impressionable readers? This is more proof that the standards in this country are falling. When will it end, when there is a book named Winnie the Vomit?

GATHER UP AND RESIST; help us Poor Lucky Me, lead us against this decline of Western Civilization…
I Am Poor But I Got Hope

Dear I Am Poor,
Whoah whoah no need to resist quite yet, although I admire your willingness to react. I think the confusion here comes from the difference between “Pooh” “Poo” and “Poop”. The book is actually Winnie the POOH, which is an acceptable term of endearment. Wikipedia tells us that Winnie the Pooh was based on a real toy bear, who’s arms stuck straight out at his sides. Because he couldn’t move his arms he had to blow flies off his snout- hence the onomatopoeic “Pooh”.

I see where this can be very confusing. It reminds me of the great show “Growing Pains” which featured a sidekick named Boner. Boner is about the worst nickname you could get in my high school, so it left male students disturbed and hopeful at the same time. The hope, as it turns out, was fruitless: it never became acceptable to do or be or say anything in real life that would leave you with the nickname Boner. After a few shocking incidents, everyone had to go back to walking with math books held in front of their crotches during those flares ups of puberty.

So rest assured that the demise of society is not a result of unfortunately named characters in children’s literature. I think it has something to do with Nascar and corn-syrup, but I’m not a scientist.
I hope this makes you feel a little better.
Poor Lucky Me

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  1. Chloe says:

    “So rest assured that the demise of society is not a result of unfortunately named characters in children’s literature. I think it has something to do with Nascar and corn-syrup, but I’m not a scientist.”

    Hilarious! I love you PLM.

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