Unfair Excrement – Tuesday August 4

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


I’m not usually a “f*** the police” kind of gal but I’ve got something I want to get to the bottom of:
Why do I have to vigilantly pick up my dog’s poo, but police horses can poo all over the place and no one is walking behind them with a big plastic baggie?


I mean, is that an injustice or what?  If I teach my dog to just poo in the street can we call it even?



Not Fair


Dear Not Fair,


I started researching the answer to your question by calling the Chicago Police Department.  I thought I could ask the question and some helpful and knowledgeable soul on the other line would answer, then we’d hang up and both go about our day.  What actually happened was I asked the question, and the disgruntled and impatient woman on the other end started asking me personal questions. Like this:





So I hung up the phone.  Why did she need my name and address to tell me what they do with the police horse poo?  I got too freaked out; I guess it was left over trauma from my hippie days.


Next, I went to the Internet.  One must be very very careful when searching for poo-related questions.  There are many things one does not want to know about poo.  Especially about the combination of poo plus sex.  It is called scat porn. That is one of things I learned.  And will never forget.


The best answer I could find (after applying “safe search” to my search engine”) is that horse poo is quickly broken down because all they eat his grain and hay.  Dog poo takes much longer to decompose because they are omnivores.  That made me wonder if vegetarians are allowed to poo in the street, but I didn’t have the guts to look it up on the Internet.



Poor Lucky Me

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  1. M. G says:

    Why just dogs and horses? I think the bum lobby would be interested to know what your research turns up.

  2. Spruce says:

    what about 1 liter soda bottles filled with urine? Street legal?

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