Wary of Warnings – Thursday August 13

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


I’m new at my job, and so far I’m really enjoying it. I’ve made friends with another girl on my team and it’s made staying late to finish projects not only bearable, but really fun. I’ve only known her for a few months but she seems normal and we get along great.


The problem is there’s this guy on our team who takes every opportunity to tell me that she’s “crazy” and a “backstabber”. When I press for details he rolls his eyes and says that he’ll just let me find out for myself.


What the hell is up with this guy?


Should I say something to my friend, or assume that he is A. an asshole B. a spurned suitor or C. knows her better than I do.


Confused in Colorado


Dear Confused,


You are right to be suspicious of this guy’s motives.


Anyone who tries to undermine other people at work is a scumbag, even if what they’re saying is based in some truth. For instance; there was a woman at my office who was always making snide remarks behind my back like: “people who sleep in their cars at lunchtime either have narcolepsy or a drug problem” and “I don’t think the “f” word is the always the best noun, adjective, or verb when writing client emails” or “staring at the ceiling and drooling during company wide meetings is bad for moral”.


In many ways she was right but in other ways she should have either gone to HR or shut the hell up. My shoddy work wasn’t affecting her projects, I got paid considerably less than her, and everyone thought she sucked and likes me. I had the last laugh though, because she was fired for writing an erotic blog from her cubicle. Time theft is a crime! But only if you are an annoying butthole who bothers everyone.


You should protect yourself however, and not let anyone you work with in a position where they can screw with you. This girl might be a great friend to you, but try not to put too much power in her hands. It’s hard for some people to be ethical when they are handed opportunities to be sleazy. She could turn out to be the nicest person you’ve ever know, but you have to let time reveal that.


I also think if you can do so delicately, you should tell her what he’s saying. She should get a chance to defend herself against slander, and hide old tuna fish sandwiches in the guy’s desk.


Poor Lucky Me

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