An Epic Battle – Monday September 7

1016385479_b1fab49b7fI think a good fight to watch would be pigeons vs. sea gulls. I’m not into violence as entertainment, but both scrappy garbage birds are equally threatening to me and I often wonder which is tougher.


Sea gulls must have a lot of stamina- they don’t hesitate to take flight and spent a lot of time in the air (in my unscientific observance). They use poo as a weapon and are so tough that they have bit roles on The Deadliest Catch. Pigeons use their attitude to ward off enemies. Usually a pigeon will glare at you and saunter out of danger rather then engage their wings. Both species have threatening beaks and claws. Both enjoy meals of garbage and/or carrion that the very site of will make the average commuter dry heave.


I like how white pigeons are called doves and revered as symbols of peace and love. It’s animal kingdom racism, so I think they probably have a lot of character. We must look at the struggle between doves and pigeons as a reminder that racism still exist in our own species, as well as in the bird kingdom.


It’s hard to say but I think if pressed I’d put my money on a pigeon. The ones that live near me all have gnarled war-torn feet and greasy feathers. This one particularly scary pigeon once flew at my face when I was carrying a bucket of chicken. I dropped the chicken on the sidewalk and he descended upon it like a homeless guy at an all you can eat Chinese buffet. I swear I heard him laughing at me as I walked away.


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