Movie Mimics Real Life – Thursday September 3

2912577116_5ba16c9bafDear Poor Lucky Me,


Hi! How are you? I am fine, but a little concerned. I think I have an on-line shopping problem. I am a good worker, but at break times I sneak my lap top in the bathroom and get lost in page after page of shoes and wall decals and camcorders and art supplies and clothes made in country with fair labor practices.


Do you think I can go to AA for help, or is there a separate group for on line shopping?


Confessions of a Shopaholic Was A Good Film


Dear Shopaholic,


I wouldn’t say that it was a good film, but it didn’t make me want to vomit. My expectations were so low that I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t want to kick a hole through my television.


I’m really only interested in seeing movies that I think will suck. When I see movies that should be good, I usually end disappointed and and find myself standing in my seat and throwing popcorn or milk duds at the screen. I just get so annoyed and insulted when movies are formulaic or unrealistic or annoying. Inevitably security gets called and some fifteen year old employee will try and drag me out, which will launch me into a tirade about consumer’s rights and the freedom of speech. Then I’ll try and wrestle out of his puny grip and get embarrassed when I get smacked in the head with the flashlight.


I wanted to start bringing my own flash light to the movies but my roommate won’t allow it “for my own safety”. So I don’t go to the theater much anymore. And I’m only allowed to watch rentals on our old tube television, because I threw a beer bottle at my roommate’s flatscreen during Mama Mia and he’s still cheesed off about it.


The point is I think you should start by seeking help from a mental health professional. He or she can advise you how to find a support group that meets your needs based specifically on what motivates your addiction.


Poor Lucky Me

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