Trying to Transcend – Friday September 11

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then is the converse also true? Is the road to heaven paved with bad intentions?


It’s a difficult issue because on one hand, the people at church say we should be good, and charitable. On the other hand, I’ve heard that expression for many years and I don’t completely understand it. I tend to trust things that I don’t understand, it’s just something I learned to do in school


Please clear this issue up for me.


A Follower


Dear A.F.,


The time to trust things you don’t understand is over! Now that America’s dark ages have ended, you can feel free to visit a web page or read a book without fear that the Department of Homeland Security won’t shove used athletic socks down your throat and attach electrodes to your nipples.


The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions doesn’t mean that having good intentions will send you to hell. It’s not like thinking sexy thoughts about your neighbor’s wife. It means that a good intention doesn’t always yield the results you were hoping for. Like the time I tried to help a drunk kid lying on the sidewalk behind my house and he called me a douchebag and told me to go f*ck myself.


My intentions were good, but I wasn’t seen as a good Samaritan. I did not go up to my apartment and grab a carton of eggs to throw at the guy’s face though, so I think if there is a heaven that’ll probably get me in. Few normal humans could resist violent retaliation after assisting a stranger projectile vomiting Jack Daniels on the sidewalk then being called a douchebag. Luckily my dog and roommate were with me, and they are both pacifists.


Living is a society is very complicated. Personally I can’t rely on a church to tell me what to do, but if that’s where you find comfort I guess you should stick with it. Just be cool, OK. Don’t be one of THOSE church people.


Poor Lucky Me

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