List – Monday October 19th

491449874_45fc4a2c2010 Obvious Reasons Why Coke Products Are Better Than Pepsi Products (In No Particular Order):


1. Pepsi tastes gross.


2. Coke tastes delicious.


3. Sierra Mist? Please. That is the most bogus soda name ever invented. I mean Slice isn’t awesome either, but it’s way better than Sierra Mist.


4. Diet Pepsi Jazz Caramel Cream. Yes, that’s a real product. Coke had a stumble with Coca-Cola lime, but Jazz? That’s unforgivable.


5. Pepsi’s Red White and Blue color scheme is so Rush Limbaugh. Okay okay we get it Pepsi, you love America! Jeez.


6. Santa is pro-Coke. Brittany Spears likes Pepsi. Who do you want to align yourself with?


7. People drink Coke all over the world, it’s called American Champagne in France. You know what they call Pepsi in France? Crap. I mean I don’t know for sure but I’m assuming that’s correct.


8. If you eat an entire pizza by yourself and drink a Diet Coke, you won’t get fat. Everyone knows that.


9. Rum and Coke: Good. Rum and Pepsi: horrifying.


10. Studies show that no one asks for Pepsi by name, they just settle for it if they can’t get Coke.*


* Studies conducted in a non scientific setting at PLM main offices.

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