Candy Catastrophe – Tuesday October 13th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


I know you an a candy aficionado and live in Chicago. What do you think about the candy tax? Personally, I’m very freaked out.


Candy makes up most of my diet and with these tough economic times, I just don’t know where that’ll leave me.


With Worry,
Sweet Tooth, Empty Pocket


Dear S.T.E.P.,


I’m so sorry for your loss, and I share your pain. Part of the tragic new tax is the arbitrary distinction between candy made with flour and candy not made with flour. Butterfingers are candy, but Butterfinger Stix are considered food? Outrage!


I can only assume that the flour lobbyists have gotten to Pat Quin, because to to encourage candy companies to add flour to their product to avoid higher taxation should be criminal.


And why candy? Why not Flaming Hot Cheetos or Cool Ranch Doritos. Actually, strike that. Don’t tell anyone I even said that. because if they raise the taxes on Cool Ranch Doritos I will freak out. Seriously. I WILL FREAK OUT.


Needless to say, I totally understand where you’re coming from. I mean, why is it so expensive to eat, drink, smoke, use gasoline, and park in Chicago? It’s not like we are a land locked island in the South Pacific. I guess the upside is that if we ever move somewhere else, we’ll feel rich as thieves because we’re already used to paying $1.10 for a pack of twizzlers.


Poor Lucky Me

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  1. Bob In Boston says:

    If you think eating, drinking etc. are expensive in Chicago, come to Boston sometime! I think I got drunk on 23 dollars in chicago…due to something called HAPPY Hour, and another thing called Drink Specials. I was then able to get across the city easily via the “EL”, and even when I needed to take a cab, it didn’t require a credit check. I’m telling you, PLM is headquartered in the right city to get hammered.

  2. Poor Lucky Me says:

    Hmmm well I guess there is a sliding scale of outrage when it comes to consumption and sin taxes. Nevertheless I stockpiled candy before the tax went into affect.

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