Wednesday, September 30th

2886244060_a598a25abfDear Poor Lucky Me,


Do you think it is still so bad-ass to climb Mt. Everest? Now there are Sherpas setting lines ahead of the climbers and is seems like all you need now is enough money and time to do it. There is even a T.V. show about it. And if memory serves, Homer Simpson made it to the top.


I know that it is still balls cold up there and all, but I think that guy who ran a marathon in stilts accomplished a more impressive feat.


Total time was 8 hours, 57 minutes and 58 seconds.



Now that Swayze is gone, who will be our tough guy?


Dear Tough Guy,


I don’t think anyone will ever replace Swayze as the sexiest danciest manliest tough guy to live. Our world is a little less colorful without him in it.


But, I promise you, climbing Mount Everest is still badass. Seriously. I mean, it’s so badass that I have to yell “badass” every time I type it. The marathon was an admirable, incredible accomplishment. Mount Everest will kill you. Plus, you don’t know how horrible it is until you bought all the equipment and got all the way to Napal and climbed for days to get to the base camp…you can’t just stay “ahh this sucks. I’ll be at Starbucks.” A big part of being badass is doing stuff you can’t easily back out of.


Additionally, I think it’s bogus that just because a really hard thing is made slightly easier people act like it’s not a big deal anymore. Like in college, when I took the class “Erroneous Beliefs and How We Maintain Them” and everyone acted like it was the easiest math requirement just because we always used a calculator. Well let me tell you: if you don’t put all the right numbers and symbols in the calculator, it doesn’t work. Math is hard not matter how many gadgets you can use.


Poor Lucky Me

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