Mass Email Jokes Not Funny- Thursday November 12th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


About once a month I will get an email “joke” from an old friend that I haven’t spoken with, seen, or even emailed in years. This email will contain nothing other than a forwarded joke and will include me and a handful of other people. The joke is never funny, not geared towards me and gives no clue as to what the sender would like in return.


Is this person trying to reconnect with me? If so, why not personalize the email?


Is the person super bored, so bored in fact that they went through their address book and found their most dormant contacts?


What gives?


Deleting Without Reading


Dear D.W.R.,
The Internet provides so many fascinating insights into weirdos. Just think: before the Internet we had little idea who was a pervert, a racist, or a religious freak.


I think that the person sending you email jokes is just trying to tell you they’re thinking of you. Or, they are a diabolical Lex Luther type and know how much their emails get under your skin.


A personalized email takes way more work then pressing forward, and brings you no good luck or riches like chain emails do. I can’t tell you how rich and powerful I have gotten from forwarding emails. The Bentley I drive, in fact, showed up in my parking space after I forwarded an Angel email. It was totally worth it.


Next time some one sends you a chain or joke email, why don’t you rely: “Thank you so much for the hilarious joke. I have forwarded it to 30 people. I expect untold riches for doing so and will hold you personally responsible if they don’t appear.” or you could just say “Thanks for the email! Thinking of you too.”


Poor Lucky Me

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  1. Lisa says:

    I figure that about 5% of joke emails are worth reading and the other 95% are meant to be binned. I used to feel incredibly guilty for deleting, especially if they came from good friends. That’s partially why I have 2000 unopened emails in my acct.

    The pressure got too much! Now, I pass them on to someone else about 1% of the time. I don’t even feel guilty when it says that something bad will happen. Because, it won’t.

    Your choice of Advice Q & A is an interesting format for a blog, and I respect personal choice, but it made me slightly uncomfortable. It doesn’t give any sense of who you are, what your life is about or what you do. I did find the left column, about your dilemma with the weekend “rapper” more personal and rather funny. Maybe you should put a note under your neighbour’s door explaining that you are frustrated by the sleep interruption. (S)he is probably not aware of its impact on others, because her/his own sleep interruption. Either that or get the business card for a local locksmith and shove that under the door, suggesting that the visitor get their own key.

    Lisa (IComLeavWe – Your Great Life)

  2. Kel says:

    Thanks for the visit.
    This post was hilarious and I am definitely using that next time I get any red-neck pictures, angel prayers, or cute puppies in ly email box.


  1. [...] reading out loud and laughing at poor lucky me, comment on some blogs, yay, reached my quota for the day, dang i still need to write my post for [...]

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