Aspiring Famous Person Lacks Direction and Skills – Monday December 21st

This giant remote controls my giant TV

This giant remote controls my giant TV

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


I feel very much that I should be a famous person. I cannot sing or act or play an instrument. But I am very good looking and feel that should count for a lot. I’m also totally fearless when it comes to getting on stage.


Do you think it’s safe to continue to pursue my dream? My concern is that someone may suggest I get a regular job, which I have no interest in.


Talent Is Relative…Right?


Dear T.I.R.R.,
Talent is only relative if you have it in the first place. Whether or not you actually have it, I’m afraid, is not relative. But do not despair! The noble pursuit of avoiding a real job is a talent in of itself. Don’t get confined to traditional skills like acting or singing, it could take years of lessons and private coaching to get anywhere.


Focus instead on what you do have. Fearlessness and goodlookingness are very important and valuable skills. Have you considered hooking up with an older, richer person who might pay you to hang around in a bathing suit and make them laugh? What about becoming a racecar driver? A lot of those people are good looking and fearless. Also, if you want to be on TV but have no talent, you can always fall back on reality TV. Sure, you’ll have to get drunk a lot and look like a total tool/slut, but I don’t have to tell you that’s better than the old 9-5.


Actually, 9-5 would be sweet compared to what most real jobs require. I learned in history class about the days where you got to work at 9, took an hour lunch, several smoke breaks, knocked off at 5 and there was no expectation that you would do any homework? You could still earn enough money so one parent could stay home and raise the children, and you could retire at 65. Did those days really exist? I think maybe cell phones and plasma screen TV’s and Wii fit and microwaves and self cleaning ovens made the 40 hour work week obsolete.


Oh well. I wouldn’t change seeing the blades of grass on a football field through my giant TV for all the retirement money in the world. I guess. Wait, no, I would! I’d give it all back!! Please, come back….
Poor Lucky Me

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