Career Advice – Thursday, December 10th

1798248203_30b4a009f9Dear Poor Lucky Me,


Sometimes I get the feeling that my boss thinks I’m an idiot. I get my 3% raise every year, but he says suspicious things like “You are an idiot” and “Why do you even work here” then he kind of laughs. Maybe its more like a cough. Anyway, what do you think? Should I be concerned?


I Don’t Screw Up THAT Often


Dear I Don’t Screw,


Um, gosh. Well. See it seems like your boss is giving you a pretty clear message. I mean I don’t know if you are an idiot or he is a jerk, but I definitely think you should be concerned. It’s really not good at all that he wonders out loud why you even work there. I know it seems like the annual raise is encouragement, but I think that might be the ole cost of living raise you’re getting.


Either way, I don’t see why you shouldn’t just ride this job out to the last possible minute. Annual raises are usually given by big companies, and big companies HATE firing people. It smells like you’ve got the upper hand. For now.


Here are some things to think about: When you really think about it honestly, does it seem like people avoid you in the break rooms and hallways? Does the person who sits next to you wear headphones, and not take them off when you ask questions? Do people roll their eyes when you express your opinions at meetings? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should just get started on your resume, just in case.


I once even used a firing to my advantage on the next job interview. I explained how I wasn’t going to give up just because I was clearly incompetent, lazy, and destructive. I told my potential new boss that I stood by my job, even while I was stealing office supplies in retaliation for having my pay docked just because I slept though several meetings. We both laughed when I talked about how I insisted that the bathroom were unisex, regardless of what the “sign” on the “door” indicated. I didn’t get the job, but I think I got the interviewer’s respect and admiration.


Poor Lucky Me

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