Harvard Grooming Raises Eyebrows – Wednesday December 2nd

bert-771629Dear Poor Lucky Me,


I was watching a show on the science channel last night that featured a group of Harvard Physicists. Every single one of them had wild eyebrows. Or eyebrow rather. One wild eyebrow.


Obviously these are insanely smart people who aren’t caught up in their looks…but don’t you like it’s sort of deviant to be on a TV show and not even bother to tweeze out a couple of those mid-brow hairs?


Does asking this question make me terribly shallow?


Maybe I’m Jealous Because They’re So Smart


Dear Jealous,
The exact answer to this question is unknown because it depends ones mood. In fact, that’s why it took me so long to provide an answer.


When I was in a good mood, I wanted to answer like this:


Humans are beautiful in their natural form, and it’s unfortunate that we’re subjected to styles that oppress are essential hairy-backed, pimpled, pasty, smelly selves. Most of us (myself included) spend so much time trying to fit into an aesthetic standard that we wouldn’t have time left over to discover the other dimensions of the universe. I almost had to drop out of college because of a rough bout with acne. Therefore, we should be delighted that some people can eschew the chains of fashion and decode the natural world.


But, when I was in a bad mood, I wanted to answer like this:


Yes, it is socially deviant not to pluck a few hairs out of the middle of your face. I would even go so far as to say that these people are doing it either for attention or to annoy you and I specifically. All the physics mysteries in the world revealed aren’t going to make me stop staring at the tuft of hair taunting me from the safety of a Harvard scientist’s face.


So I guess the answer is a little bit of both. But the good mood answer makes me feel more enlightened and accepting, so I think I’ll stick with that one.


As Tennessee Williams wrote in “The Night of the Iguana”: Nothing human disgusts me unless it’s unkind, violent.


Poor Lucky Me

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