List – Monday December 28th

The Horror!  The Horror!

The Horror! The Horror!

10 Movies That I Have Nightmares About Being Remade Into A Big Budget Hollywood Ordeal Starring Ben Affleck or Ed Burns:


1. Caddy Shack


2. 2001: A Space Odyssey


3. Roadhouse


4. The Color Purple


5. Of Mice and Men (Affleck would naturally be cast as Lenny)


6. The Karate Kid


7. Overboard


8. Apocalypse Now


9. Dirty Dancing


10. A Clockwork Orange

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  1. Toothpick says:

    I believe the working title of the Caddy Shack big budget remake is “The Hangover II-Tiger Woods, Vegas Nights”

  2. Tim N says:

    I love the list. My worst fear is a big hollywood remake of “The Sting” with Ben Affleck and Ed Burns. You know, they might actually think they are as cool as Butch and Sundance. But we know that’s insanity.

  3. cal says:

    Did you see the director’s cut of Apocalypse now? It might as well have had Ben Affleck in it… Please, can we see more of the french plantation? I’m not quite asleep yet.

  4. Kenilworth mom says:

    I used to think that Ben Affleck was the worst actor I had seen, until I saw some kid who MUST be related to someone important….Shia LeBoef (spelling?) who is this kid and is he trying to be a combination Lebanese/French actor? He wouldn’t be cast in a freshman play at New Trier.

    • Poor Lucky Me says:

      I used to hate Shia Labeouf (does that mean Shia The Beef?) but I then I thought it was cool when he got kicked out of a Walgreens in Chicago for acting rowdy. Maybe that makes me immature, but still…

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