Man Suspects Doctor’s Suspicious Behavior – Thursday January 7th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,
Call me paranoid, but I think my doctor is a pervert. He makes me take my pants off for every little thing.


Sometimes he doesn’t examine my below the belt area, just has me sit there, pantsless, and discuss a mole on my neck for example. I don’t have the guts to say no, and I’m too lazy to change doctors.


What does this mean? About me and him? Is this what doctors do, or is he picking up on my laziness and just seeing how much he can humiliate me before I speak up. because the jokes on him: it’s really really far.


Paranoid About Other Things Too


Dear Paranoid,
This is a tricky issue. One one hand, perverts are everywhere. Having a medical degree does not exempt one from using their power to justify deviant behavior. I mean look at Dr. Frankenstein. I don’t think that guy was very ethical. That monster was a bad idea no matter how you look at it. Best case scenario- you’ve got a guy made up with patchwork dead body parts that you have to feed, clothe and entertain.


One the other hand, you do usually have to take your clothes off the be examined by a doctor. I haven’t heard of just having to take your pants off though. So you just sit there with your shirt on but your genitals exposed? That’s pretty bizarre.


I think at the very least you should ask why he wants your pants off, and explain that you feel uncomfortable. Personally I’d rather be completely naked than have my shirt on but pants off. There is just something so unnatural about that.


Readers, please remember: if you feel uncomfortable you should never be afraid to stand up for yourself. If there is a logical explanation, the person shouldn’t hesitate to provide you with it. But probably you’re dealing with a perv.


Poor Lucky Me

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  1. JG says:

    In high school, I saw a dermatologist about a mole on my back. The doctor told me to remove my shirt, put my hands behind my head and slowly turn around. I share your paranoia, as to this day I’m not convinced that request had much to do with the mole. I mean I did it, but the point is the guy was a pervert.

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