Reader Hopes for the Best – Wednesday January 13th

sarah-palin-i133121-smallDear Poor Lucky Me,


Did you ever wonder if the REAL Communist was Joe McCarthy? I have this book at home called “What Ifs? Of American History” and there’s an essay in it about how maybe all that anti-communist hysteria was drummed up to help the Russians keep the Cold War going. It got me thinking…


Maybe Sarah Palin is really a hippie Rhodes Scholar who loves peace and the wilderness?




Dear Hoping,
Um, nuh uh. No, sorry.


The odds of me becoming President of Russia are higher than Sarah Palin loving peace and wilderness. It’s more likely that I will explode and set off another big bang that will create a new universse than Palin scoring well on the written drivers test, let alone being a Rhodes Scholar. I appreciate your optimism though.


Poor Lucky Me

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