I Smell A Contest – Wednesday April 28th

Dear Poor Lucky Me,


Your readers must know: What are you going to name your baby? May we submit ideas? I have some very good, unique suggestions that I’m happy to donate to your baby.


With Love,
Idea Factory


Dear Idea Factory,


Thank you! My man and I welcome ALL suggestions from my loyal PLM readers! In fact, I urge you to email or comment your suggestions throughout this pregnancy (which will end around August 25th, 2010).


We have considered the tradition naming-the-baby-after-our grandparents and the old Junior route, but something a little spicier would be nice too. Here are some names still on the table:


Optimus Prime


Patrick Swayze


Peter Frances the Seventh


Led Zepplin




I’d love to hear your comments and or suggestions.


Poor Lucky Me

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  1. EMillz says:

    Elizabetho. Its very strong and manly.

  2. Poor Lucky Me says:

    Elizabetho is unique AND meaningful!

  3. Paul Jones says:

    What about Frank Grimes? Or Grimey?

  4. ztj says:

    pat. that way if the kid wants to change gender identities in the future. the name is covered.

  5. Baby Daddy says:

    Whatever you name your baby, I urge you to make it easy to say and spell. I once met a young girl that had an apostrophe at the end of her name. Why would someone do that to a child? Crazy.

  6. Sarah says:

    Am LOVING Hurricane. Is that just ‘Hurricane’? Like Madonna? Or Prince? One word names are the best way to show off how important you are. Your child will definitely be off to the right start with just one name!

    My husband would be jealous if you named the kid Optimus Prime. That’s his favorite Transformer.

    Back in the early stages of dating, he told me once he thought it would be interesting to name a baby girl ‘Dump Truck,’ and if a baby boy, then ‘Panty.’ Just to see how the socialization would play out. I thought this was pretty funny, because I assumed he was joking. It’ll probably be safest though, if that day ever comes, to have a side conversation with the doc, to make sure I get to give them the name, and not him. That’s not something you want to mess with.

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