Small Happinesses

I thought of something today that always makes me happy: people’s bathroom reading. I love every magazine, book, crossword puzzle and newspaper. I like it better too if they’re on the floor- like someone was just reading right before you came over.


If I go to your house for the first time and you left a People magazine on the floor next to your toilet, we’ll be fast friends. If you left a half-done crossword puzzle and a pen, I’ll try and make us best friends. You should tidy up the rest of your house though, just the first or second time I come over. After that you can just live like you usually do.


There’s just something so carelessly intimate about seeing people’s bathroom reading. Like they’re letting you get to know them better than they normally would- maybe by accident, maybe because of carelessness. Either way you’re in. You know they love rereading Catcher in the Rye or subscribe to Traditional Living regardless of what facade they put on otherwise.


A magazine rack is ok, it’s not as good as something on the floor- but it’s better than nothing. Nothing is suspicious. Nothing makes me think you are eternally worried about what people think of you. I’m pretty worried about what people think of me, but not worried enough to take the reading material off the back of the toilet.


Looking at the reading on the floor of a dear friend’s bathroom and smiling today made me remember for a minute that I’m still here. I’m not the same anymore, but I’m not gone either.

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  1. EMiller says:

    Heather – I knew that you and Dan would be fast friends when you ganged up on me about my lack of bathroom reading. I have since switched teams. Time Out Chicago, the Room and Board catalog and Vanity Fair are favorites at my house.

  2. Big Sully says:

    What if our reading materials are stacked up on a stool, so you can pull the stool up to the toilet and enjoy hands free reading? Our collection includes Lego Magazine, People, and Wooden Boat.

  3. Paul Jones says:

    I lost “The Bathroom Book of Trivia” a few moves ago and have felt a little lost in the bathroom ever since.

  4. Charles Day says:

    The iPad is a perfect “smallest room in the house” addition. And makes a powerful statement about your income level and progressive view of the world. The toilet paper app needs work, however.

  5. Cara says:

    well-read people, glamour, and marie claires along with stacks of unread new england journal of medicines and the economists at my house…

  6. I like leaving a novel in the bathroom. Nothing too heady. Something like Jennifer Weiner’s “Good In Bed” or “The Notebook.” You can walk away from it and not feel guilty and when you get back to it, you don’t have to flip through a lot of pages to pick up where you left off. AND it really disturbs people who use your restroom when they come to your house. I miss seeing you whether you’re here or there.

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