Day 1 Wrap Up- Tuesday April 19th

So far I’m really enjoying my 30 day challenge. Granted, day one of almost anything is enjoyable so I’m trying not to caw with pride. Here is the list and how I did:


1. Be in bed every night before 11 pm.
Easy. I made this vague enough so that if I end up reading in bed until the wee hours of the night I will still consider myself successful. Last night I went to bed at 10:50 pm. I intended to go to sleep right away but ended up finishing my book. So I’d say I was asleep by 1:45 am. Good effort.


2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day (can be non-consecutive if necessary).
Also easy. Ran two miles then did this awful/awesome rock climbing-type machine at the gym.


3. Follow Weight Watchers program with renewed obsession. Feel free to talk about it non-stop and hope that friends and family will forgive me or successfully tune me out.
Great! I love Weight Watchers.


4. Write something every day.
Does the first draft of this blog post count?


5. Read something every day.
See #1.


6. Avoid casual complaining, gossiping and snarkiness.
This is HARD but very very fulfilling. I wasn’t very successful, but it’s a long time habit and will take some time to break. Even making myself aware of my casual complaining helps I think. But this will be the toughest on the list.


7. Complete something I’ve been avoiding.
Also easy. All it takes is accomplishing one small goal which snow balls into self-confidence.


8. Meditate for 5 minutes.
I failed. It’s ok, I’ll try again.


The only problem with this challenge is that if I skip a couple of steps it’s easy to say “forget the whole thing” so I’m going to try hard and fight against that impulse. It’s like the lazy person’s way out of doing something difficult. Stay tuned for Day 2 Wrap Up (I know…I’m a day behind already…)

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  1. Mel says:

    #6 is very, very hard. For the entire planet. Great goal though!

  2. Kristin says:

    Go you! I need to steal some of these goals and make them my own! :)

  3. cara says:

    #8: i count exercise as a “moving meditation”. i don’t think that would be cheating for you? i’ll just focus on my breathing for a little bit, in and out, and i’m pretty sure that counts as meditating…

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