Firsts- Monday May 23rd

I got my first baby gift this weekend. It’s not at all surprising that my dear friend EJM was so thoughtful and hopeful about this baby. But I was surprised that I didn’t feel more superstitious about getting a gift. I put that Pipsqueek onsey right on my belly and smiled and laughed without a twinge of fear.
Maybe it helps that I don’t believe in superstition. I step on cracks all the time, and my mother is in good health. I didn’t even knock on wood after I wrote that. It also may be that all my assurances that I’m just going to enjoy this pregnancy every day that I can is true. Sometimes I thought I was just saying it because it felt like the right thing to say…then all of the sudden it’s completely true.


In other news, I won a blogging award! Ever since I joined the baby-loss/infertility blogging community I’ve jealously watched other bloggers give each other awards. Getting praise from your friends and family over your writing is nice, but getting praise from the insiders is a particularly coveted prize.


Without further ado….






1. Link back to the person who gave you the award


Thank you The One in Eight Couple!


2. Tell 7 things about yourself


-I am an embarrassingly picky eater.  As is, I went to Paris and mostly ate cheese and French Fries.


-I am an obsessive reader.  I often forgo sleep to read.


-I never considered getting married or having children until I met my husband.


-I talk to my parents at least once everyday.  Luckily, my husband finds this charming.


-Instead of lamenting that I didn’t have the guts to major in creative writing in college, I’m determined to someday go to graduate school for creative writing.  Unless I write a book first.  You can all hold me to it.


-I know how to needlepoint, sew, create mosaic tile art, and paint.  All badly but with gusto.


-I got a D in Italian while I was living in Italy studying abroad.  I should have failed the class but my teacher admired my enthusiasm.


3. Award other bloggers- The Versatile Blogger Award is for 15 recently discovered bloggers (I cheated.  I only got to 10 and a few aren’t recently discovered.  But I really really enjoy them all.  I also tried to add a few unexpected blogs for your enjoyment):


Buck Up Buttercup

Second Hand Happiness

Gratuitous World

Here We Go Again

My Hormonacoaster

Mommy Odyssey

The Inadequate Conception

Feeling Beachie

Life Philosophy 101 for the Squirrelly Senior Citizens



Thanks again One in Eight, you made my day!

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  1. Bluestreak says:

    Congratulations on your award. Now go needlepoint something for me!

  2. jon says:

    wow, we could be twins. I like to lie around also.

  3. Big Sully says:

    I’ll take some mosaic tile art, please.

  4. Jen says:

    Happy ICLW!!! I wish I could do mosaic tile art, it always looks so neat! Congrats on your pregnancy, and think happy positive thoughts. Heck, maybe I should take that advice too, LOL.

    ICLW #121

  5. THANK you so much for the award! You are too sweet. I swing both ways on superstitions, but tend not to believe in them. I also talk to my mom once a day…. I used to love to needle point, although I haven’t done so in years. I tried sewing, but HATED it. I was so upset… I had such big plans for sewing my own clothes and all!

  6. Kristen says:

    Thank you sooooo much for the award! It’s my first one too! :) I’m going to post it and spread the love later in the week. Thanks also for your comment on my blog yesterday…I do try very hard to love life even after all the sucky things I’ve been through…it’s nice to have someone see that. :)

  7. C says:

    Congratulations on the award! Enjoyed reading the 7 Things About Yourself. I talk to my parents everyday, too.

    Visiting from ICLW!

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