Grumbling – Wednesday July 27

I am a malcontent, and I hate admitting it. However, lately I can’t ignore that my favorite topics of conversation are the following: Who’s annoying me, which politician is an idiot/scumbag, the Walmartization of America, how I’m getting screwed over/ignored/misunderstood, and how most people are idiots.

I don’t really believe that stuff, I just can’t stop talking about it. At first maybe I think it’s just easy to talk about, or easy to make people laugh through a little ranting. Then I build up some steam and the next thing you know my face is red and spittle is flying out of my mouth.

When I lie awake in bed at night I make big plans. I’m going to make so many changes and when the lights are off and everything is quiet, it seems so easy. Then I get up in the morning, and I’m stymied at the prospect of taking a shower. “Another shower?” I think, “Damn I just took one yesterday.” It’s hard to implement a lot of change when you’re emotionally exhausted at the thought of washing yourself. On the other hand, a lot of incredible art and literature was produced pre-daily-bathing, so you do the math.

Just so you can follow along at home, thanks to a winning combination of the idiots at my doctor’s office and the scumbags at my insurance company I’ll be 18 weeks on Friday and still haven’t gotten my first progesterone shot.

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