The Psychic Strikes Again- Friday August 19th

The night before my 20 week ultrasound I had my first baby dream ever. In my dream my baby was a sweet and snugly black haired beauty, who told me calmly- Now I’m going to have a temper tantrum. When I woke up from the dream I had a big fat smile on my fat pregnancy face…and for the first time I felt like this was really happening. We are going to have a baby.

We told the ultrasound technician that we wanted to find out the gender. She happily agreed but explained that she had to take bunch of measurements and pictures first. Tom and I kept trying to spot a little wiener on the screen and making the tech laugh by our excited yelps: Are those balls?!? Then she said- “I know what the gender is now, are you ready?”

“Yes yes!” We shouted.

“You’re having a baby girl!” We couldn’t believe it. And, we knew it! Neither Tom nor I ever really doubted that we were having a girl. It was the same way when I was pregnant with Tommy Jr- we just knew there was a little boy in there. Of course the psychic was right- she said twice that we’d have a little girl, and that her big brother would help her throughout her life. I hope that Tommy Jr was with us in the ultrasound room, because I miss him even a little more with this extra joy.

I already feel close to my daughter, I already feel like she’s a part of our family. I’m not afraid to hope anymore, because she’s here, she’s a part of us, she’s ours.

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  1. cara says:

    yeah!!!! congrats!!!

  2. Sue says:

    Oh i just teared up for you..a little girl!!!! Where to begin…I want to hug you right now. xx

  3. Megan Schrec says:

    Hooray! A little lady! I am thrilled for you. You know, I think you and I must have very close due dates. Your 20th week ultrasound was yesterday, and mine was today. I’m having a boy. I can’t even grasp what that means. But I’m overjoyed. And I saw that wiener on the screen. (crazy!)

  4. Katie says:

    A girl! Huge congrats. Hope things are ridiculously boring for the next 20 weeks, and then ridiculously exciting. Xoxoxo

  5. Nikki says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your precious new baby girl. I look forward to enjoying your journey with you.

    ICLW 76

  6. zygotta says:

    very cool – can hardly wait to find out of we’re having a boy or a girl (I am 16 weeks)


  7. Cathleen says:

    Congrats! Ok so now we have slight differences in our lives :-) . Saw my little guys weiner again today. He’s breech but was flashing that thing all over the screen. I hope your appointments are as uneventful as mine and stay that way.

  8. Annissa says:

    Oooooooooh how sweet!!! A Pink Baby!!! I’m a little jealous, I have wanted nothing more then to have a daughter… and I got 4 boys! LOL… but I’m happy and thankful. CONGRATS on your little girl! I hope that you have a uncomplicated pregnancy and birth and that pink baby brings you nothing but joy!


    Happy ICLW from #86 :D

  9. Kristin says:

    Oh, what a wonderful dream and fabulous news at the ultrasound. Huge congrats.

    ICLW #19

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